Part 24: Episode XIX-2: Burn My Dread

Well, that was quite the scene. Do not ask Yuna to do that water walking parlor trick again. That was a one time only show.

Tidus suddenly becomes the center of attention.

And so our first rather turbulent day on Kilika Island draws to a close. As does this mini-update. However, this one is more for my benefit than anything. We have another temple for Yuna’s pilgrimage in the coming days. Moreover, Yuna will be receiving a new Aeon there. It is rather difficult to play ahead and build a backlog of updates with that whole pesky "letting you jerks name the Aeons" thing I committed to. So we are going to jump ahead a bit and name the next one right now.
Kilika Temple holds the Aeon Ifrit. What's an Ifrit?
Wikipedia posted:
Ifrit are supernatural creatures in Arabic and Islamic cultures. They are in a class of infernal Jinn noted for their strength and cunning. An ifrit is an enormous winged creature of fire, either male or female, who lives underground and frequents ruins. Ifrits live in a society structured along ancient Arab tribal lines, complete with kings, tribes, and clans. They generally marry one another, but they can also marry humans. While ordinary weapons and forces have no power over them, they are susceptible to magic, which humans can use to kill them or to capture and enslave them. As with the jinn, an ifrit may be either a believer or an unbeliever, good or evil, but he is most often depicted as a wicked and ruthless being.
Well, that's the mythological version. The Final Fantasy X incarnation...?

A giant ornery fire-elemental wolfman dude. Eh. At least it is vaguely closer to the mark than Valefor. Anyway, this thing needs a name and I'll let you jerks come up with it. Let's review the boundaries...
- We’ve only got EIGHT spaces to work with here. So no names over eight spaces!
- Suggestions must be BOLDED to make my life easier. If you don't bold it, I'm not going to acknowledge it.
- No naming it dongs or any variations there of. Also "Banjo" is out. I know you...
- No using other summons' names. From this game or previous titles. That's just confusing.
We’ll go with whatever you jerks come to a popular consensus upon or whatever I find most amusing.

Well then, get to it!

Video: Episode 19-2 Cutscene